Video, Film and Television
TED TALK: Belay, M. 2018. Connecting the source with a new generation | Million Belay | TEDxEuston.
FILM featuring Million Belay and his participatory mapping T-learning methodology. ‘“Mapping Majang – cultivating a resilient food future for the people of the forest”
A documentary film produced by the Sida funded programme, Guidance for Resilience in the Anthropocene: Investments for Development (GRAID).
Video: Million Belay. 2019. Food In Africa. Action Research Transformations. Video published by Action Research Plus.
Video: Million Belay. 2019. Transformations methods: Million Belay on participatory mapping. ISSC video.
Video: Injairu Kulundu. 2018. The Living Aulas Research School: Injairu Kulundu
Video: Dylan McGarry. 2018. The Living Aulas Research School: Dr. Dylan McGarry.
Video: Kuany, K. 2018. The Living Aulas Research School: Kuany Kiir.
Video: Mpepho, G. 2018. The Living Aulas Research School: Gibson Mphepo
Video: James, A. 2018. The Living Aulas Research School: Anna James.
Video: 2018. LekkerNassuh & TimeBank
Video: 2018. Mmphanje. A local farming practice identified in the project sites. The video was uploaded on access agriculture portal 27/03/2018. By 30 April 2018 the viewership was 3475
Video-blog: 2018. LekkerNassuh for Russian audiences on YogaTV
National Television Broadcast: Decoloniality. Injairu Kulundu on SA TV
National Television Broadcast: Heila Lotz-Sisitka and Dylan McGarry – SABC Prime Time News @ the Seedbeds Conference, May 2018
Livestreaming from the Seedbeds Conference – Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Dylan McGarry, Kuda Mudokwane, Priya Vallabh, May 2018.
Mukute, M. (2018). T-learning in Zimbabwe Video Presentation.
McGarry, D. (2018). Understanding transformations: Dylan McGarry on transgressive learning.
McGarry, D. (2017). Testimony of Justice – Dylan McGarry
Video: Mapping for Change
Video: Transformations to Sustainability Programme
Video: CASA – Council of Sustainable Settlements of the Americas Columbia
Webinar: Meet the three ISSC Transformative Knowledge networks on webinar
Video: Climate Fluency Exchange
Mapping Majang – cultivating a resilient food future for the people of the forest, Ethiopia
Video: Seeds of Sovereignty
Radio and Podcasts
Radio broadcast: 2018. Dutch T-Learning Case LekkerNassuh receives green ribbon award from the city of The Hague for ‘outstanding contribution to local sustainability’ (in Dutch)
Thobejane, M. et al. 2018. Artisinal Chrome mining, blessing and a curse – a Podcast.
Wals, A. Interview with Seán Delaney: Sustainability and disruption in education. Inside Education on 103.2 Dublin City FM.
Van Borek, S., James, A. (2018) DayOne Water Podcast. Episode 1-4 covering various topics related to the experience of drought in Cape Town.
Wals, A. 2019. Interview with Will Brehm: Climate change, education and sustainable development. FreshEd. 144, podcast audio, January 14, 2019
Mobile Phone Applications
African Climate Bingo
Africa Climate Bingo: A bingo game developed to highlight climate change initiatives, innovations and resistance on the African Continent. (Further information TBC)