de Vetten, M. 2018. Bij de time-bank in den Haag spaar je uren in plaats van Euros (The use of Time Bank as a moneyless alternative to exchanging goods and services). Feature article developed by LekkerNassuh De Posthoorn Regional Paper. 15 August 2018.
van der Werff, N. 2018. Het beste komt van dichtbij (The best comes from nearby). Feature article in LekkerNassuh Case in Dutch National Newspaper Trouw. 19 October 2018.
Macintyre, T. 2018. Answering the “Call of the Mountain” through a Spiralling Network of Sustainability. #180 Networking Communities Magazine: 10–13.
Mphepo, G. 2018. The Role of Science with Society and the SDGs in Africa Seedbed, the LEAD presentation at the Seedbeds of Transformation Conference. LEAD Network Newsletter (7). June 2018.