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Anna James2018-07-04T08:41:52+00:00
Mapping Majang – cultivating a resilient food future for the people of the forest, EthiopiaAnna James2018-07-04T08:41:52+00:00
Anna James2018-07-04T08:41:55+00:00
Transgressive learning in Bale, Ethiopia: how local communities and MELCA – Ethiopia managed to transgress politics and revive and protect Sacred Natural Sites (SNS)Anna James2018-07-04T08:41:55+00:00
Anna James2018-07-04T08:42:07+00:00
Is transformation on the Horizon?Anna James2018-07-04T08:42:07+00:00
Anna James2018-07-04T08:42:10+00:00
Agroecology: possibilities for and threats to social ecological resilience – A reflection by Million BelayAnna James2018-07-04T08:42:10+00:00
Recovery of sacred natural sites and participatory mapping in focus for T-learning in Ethiopiaadmin2018-07-04T08:42:12+00:00
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