The first research school of the t-learning transformative knowledge network took place in May 2016 at Rhodes University in South Africa.

The first t-learning research school meeting was attended by lead researchers from seven country partners (Malawi, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Colombia, Netherlands, South Africa), with a total of 33 participants, 24 of whom were post graduate scholars with most researchers being young career researchers.

We were especially pleased that the GIZ Education for Sustainable Development Expertnet (an international ESD Network operating between SA, India, Germany and South Africa) funded the participation of Professor Helio Garcia-Campos from Mexico’s Universidade Veracruzana and Jessie Weiss Director of Germany’s  Oekohaus NGO, both of whom made excellent contributions to the research school and the conceptualization of the research.

Some highlights of this meeting include development of an ethical framework for co-engaged research, and a contextual profiling process framework that can be used to surface nexus concerns and associated learning challenges.  These will be shared in the form of research papers, and research tools via short on-line courses.  Annotated summaries of t-learning research studies and methodologies will also be shared on this platform.