Find below a brief round-up of our activity in 2015 and 2016.

  • Programme co-design workshop: The t-learning transformative knowledge network met in April 2015 to co-design a research programme on t-learning in times of climate change (which led to this larger research programme). Their research co-design process was captured in a paper for a special edition of co-designed research for the Current Opinion on Sustainability Journal, published in 2016.
  • World Social Sciences Forum: The t-learning transformative knowledge network was represented by Dr Mutizwa Mukute and Professor Rob O’Donoghue at the World Social Sciences Conference in Durban, South Africa in 2015.
  • American Education Research Association Conference: The t-learning transformative knowledge network was represented by Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka and Professor Arjen Wals at the American Education Research Association Conference in April 2016.
  • May 2016 t-learning research as activism school: The first research school of the t-learning transformative knowledge network took place in May 2016 at Rhodes University in South Africa.  Some highlights of this meeting include development of an ethical framework for co-engaged research, and a contextual profiling process framework that can be used to surface nexus concerns and associated learning challenges.  These will be shared in the form of research papers, and research tools via short on-line courses.  Annotated summaries of t-learning research studies and methodologies will also be shared on this platform.
  • May 2016 Project Meeting at Rhodes University: At the May 2016 meeting we discussed principles for working together, and practical aspects of co-ordinating co-engaged research across a number of countries
  • Environmental Humanities Conference, Sweden: The t-learning transformative knowledge network was represented by Professor David Kronlid at the Environmental Humanities Conference in Sweden in June 2016.
  • ISSC Transformations to Sustainability Webinar: In July 2016 we participated in an ISSC webinar which links our knowledge network to the two other transformative knowledge networks that have been established under the same ISSC programme (add in link).
  • Popular Education and Social Solidarity Workshop: Two of the t-learning researchers, Jane Burt and Injairu Kulundu, attended a popular education and social solidarity workshop in Cape Town, South Africa in September, 2016.
  • T-learning knowledge network members, Prof Arjen Wals and Prof Duc Tuan Tran met in Hanoi, Vietnam where a seminar on t-learning research was presented at the National Educational University in August 2016.
  • The next event for the t-learning transformative knowledge network is an ISSC linked event to be hosted in India in November, where we will meet sister transformative knowledge networks.