The Popular Education Network (‘an international network of university teachers and researchers who share an essentially radical and socialist understanding of what their work is and why it matters’.) is to be hosted in Western Cape, South Africa this year.

“PEN 2018 invites university-based teachers, researchers, students and activists particularly from Africa and other countries in the global South, who share a common interest in popular education. PEN is an international network of university teachers, researchers, students and activists who share a radical understanding of their work as educators and activists. One of the main purposes of PEN is to defend the radical margins of university adult and community education. Bi-annual conferences serve to sustain a sense of solidarity and common purpose. This PEN conference places particular emphasis on the important link between marginalized communities and academics as equal partners in knowledge production and the struggle for meaningful change.”

They invite the submission of short proposals (500 words) for workshops, panels, participatory activities, innovative processes that stimulate dialogue  – or brief presentations of papers.  Deadline: 30 January 2018.

Find more information about this exciting event at the Popular Education Programme website.